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So, I was working in a cocktail bar a while back, and I had a pretty plastered customer come in asking for a gin based drink. Now, if you’ve ever had the pleasure of working in a bar serving the somewhat drunken masses, you’d know that something as simple as asking for a drink made from a particular spirit can be quite the challenge. ‘Barman! I’ll have a Ginny gink, a Gin gink. Nope. A drin drink. A Ginnery drink. A Gin Ginnery!’. I of course responsibly removed the customer from the premises and pondered the drunken ramblings of this unintentional genius. Hence the Gin Ginnery was born, based on a customers word vomit that made me chuckle for a bit.

In all honesty though, this exists because I love drinking nice stuff. Way too many flavoured spirits nowadays are so sweet that whatever you chose to make with them will rarely be exactly how you like it. If you like your drinks cavity inducingly sweet then you do you, no judgement here. If you don’t then you shouldn’t have to, its all about freedom. I had the freedom to make this gin, now you have the freedom to enjoy it. Or not, you might not even like gin. Not sure why you’re here if that’s the case but hey ho.